As a people created in the image of Jesus Christ we are created for communion, not isolation; for joy
and not fear; for self-giving love and not self-preservation. But it is must also recognized that we have
been created as a people in Christ who protect one another. It is on the strength of such a recognition
that the following decision has been made.
Factoring both the recommendation to suspend public worship by our synodical bishop (published
3/16/20), and the new COVID-19 limitations put in place yesterday (3/16/20) by our local, state, and
federal governments, effective immediately, we have decided to suspend all services of worship and all
functions/programming at United Lutheran through 4 April 2020 (at which point the circumstances will
be re-evaluated).
What this means:
– All services of worship, education classes (Sunday School, Text Studies, Confirmation, Women’s
Bible Studies) and other gatherings (i.e., quilters, Wonder Women, etc.) will be canceled during
this time.
– No outside groups are permitted to meet at United during this time.
Worship will be posted to our website (order of service and
recorded sermon) and Facebook (sermon, short order of prayer and scripture).
– As you well know, the situation is fluid and changing day by day. Along with you, we will stay on top of
What you also need to know:
The ministry, mission, and maintenance of United Lutheran, as with the ministry of the ELCA, continues.
Though we are unable to gather for worship “on site,” we are busy preparing worship for various media
outlets (listed above), as well as attending to the day to day duties of pastoral care (as permitted) and
the weekly litany of administrative duties required to operate a congregation. We still support missions
and ministries for the vulnerable during this time. “Need” – and the ministries we support that serve
“Need” – never ends. Your generosity is as important now as it ever was.
Again, because we are not physically in worship together does not mean “church stops.” Know that
United’s ministry continues during this time.
Therefore, if you are not giving electronically already, your weekly offering envelopes may be sent
through the mail: United Lutheran Church, 5945 Fremont St., Lincoln, NE 68507
If you would like to sign up for automatic, electronic giving, please contact the church office at 402-466-
Finally, on a pastoral note: Limit your access to 24/7 news outlets. These only drive up anxiety and
animus. For objective, measured information regarding COVID-19, please refer to cdc.gov (the Center
for Disease Control’s website).
When it comes to prayer, we believe that God wants to meet your needs and reveal His promises to you. If you or a loved one is in need of prayer — we want to be here for you! If you have questions or comments regarding United Lutheran Church, we'd love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have.