Steps to Membership at United

Considering becoming a part of the United Lutheran family?

No matter what your church (or non church) background is, we first ask that you come and worship/fellowship with us for an amount of time that ensures you are comfortable with our church family, our people, traditions and beliefs. After you have done this, communicate with the Pastor to notify him of your desire to join United Lutheran.

You will be asked to attend two conversations required for members of our church.

  • Learning about United: Here you will learn about the beliefs, traditions, and background of both the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and, specifically, United Lutheran Church.
  • Becoming a part of United: Here we will begin to discover together the ways in which your unique, God-given gifts can become expressed at United. How can we connect your God-given gifts to the ministry of God to God’s people?


When it comes to prayer, we believe that God wants to meet your needs and reveal His promises to you. If you or a loved one is in need of prayer — we want to be here for you! If you have questions or comments regarding United Lutheran Church, we'd love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have.